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How to apply

Program commettee of V International Conference "Multilingual Urbal Space: Policy, Identity, Education" invites the submission of application forms for the conference that will be held from 06.04.2023 to 08.04.2023

 Application content

  • the title (it will be included to the conference program)
  • summary of the presentation which includes: 1) short description of your research, 2) main goals, research questions, methodology and results of your research, 3) references
  • key words (at least 3)
  • name, affiliation and contact information of the author

Application style

  • no more than 500 words (including references)
  • Times New Roman, TNR 14
  • Line spacing 1,5

We invite abstracts on email: urbanlinguistics@gmail.com

Submission deadline: 10th February 2023  
We will notify about paper acceptance by 25th