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Faculty of Humanities


The Faculty of Humanities was created on December 1, 2014. It trains instructors and researchers in the field of language and literature, as well as specialists in philosophy, history, and modern culture.

The main goal of the faculty is to teach students how to understand and analyse various cultural processes, employ current research strategies, and effectively put their knowledge into practice.

The faculty’s staff are leading Russian academics and practitioners from various cultural fields, as well as invited foreign specialists. Students receive a modern education in the humanities, as well as thorough language preparation, which allows them to find extensive professional opportunities upon graduation. Students are given the opportunity to conduct research and gain practical experience at major private and public establishments.

Our strengths:

1. Interdisciplinary approach

We study the humanities alongside other academic fields so that students can apply their skills in various areas.

2. International cooperation

We maintain active international ties, which allows students to undertake internships and study abroad, as well as broaden their outlook and cultural experiences.

3. Research

We encourage and support student participation in research projects. This gives them an opportunity to apply their knowledge in practice and make a contribution to the development of the humanities.

Our graduates pursue careers in public and commercial organisations and various types of mass media. They also implement their own media, cultural, social, and educational projects.


  • Book

    Kim H. R.

    Social Science & Humanities

    This study analyzes the biography and work of Kim Bok-jin (pseudonym: Chongwan), the first Korean to graduate from the sculpture department of Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan during the Japanese colonial period (in 1925) and the first sculptor to introduce Western realist techniques to Korea. The study will also examine the national motifs in the works of Kim Bok-jin against the backdrop of a difficult historical period, and analyze a number of his little-known works through the prism of Korean studies. The main content of the study is the sculptures of Kim Bok-jin “standing woman”, “statue of Maitreya Buddha” “Baek Hwa”, “Youth (Boy)”, “Old man”. He is a significant figure in Korean sculpture: from 1925 until his death in 1940, Kim Bok-jin regularly exhibited his works at the Joseon Art Exhibition, and in addition to his artistic activities, he also ran the Art Research Institute, nurturing young artists. He also engaged in journalism, criticism, and political activity as a member of the Joseon Communist Party. The purpose of this study is to rethink the work of Kim Bok-jin, the founder of Korean sculpture, who was posthumously awarded the Order of Merit of the National Foundation in 1993.

    Prt. 10: Social Science & Humanities. Iss. 7. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 2024.

  • Article

    Ryabchinskiy N. V.

    Exploring Fyodor Dostoevsky’s existential thought through the problem of the other

    Dostoevsky’s existential thought cannot be adequately understood outside the context of the Christian tradition with which he associated himself. Dostoevsky develops his ideas in accordance with the doctrine of “sobornost” by which God reveals himself primarily as the “bosom of universal synthesis”. Such a condition precedes the individual separateness and subjective isolation. Dostoevsky postulates the initial ontological rootedness of the subject in co-existence with his neighbor whose co-presence is vital for the completeness of the subject’s being (All-Unity). Dostoevsky explains the individual’s separation from the initial All-Unity through the Fall’s plot. Man found himself abandoned, alienated from God and his neighbor both. In this context, civilization should be considered as a period of total disintegration. Such a tendency reached its apotheosis precisely in Western civilization. In this context, the image of the “underground” hero is quite indicative. The hero breaks the bonds of fictional civilized unity in the name of self-realization. His position clearly resembles Heidegger’s teaching on Dasein, which has gained its authenticity. Just as, in Dostoevsky’s view, man is initially ontologically rooted in being-with his neighbor, Heidegger’s Dasein initially finds itself already coexisting with the Other on a common basis. Heidegger regards the initial co-existence with others as an inauthentic mode of Dasein’s being, since the being-with presupposes an impersonal existence. Dasein gains its own authenticity by changing the life attitude from “being-with others” to “being-for-itself”. Dostoevsky’s “underground man” follows the same logic, since he values his own personality and individuality most of all, for the salvation of which he isolates himself from everyone. There is only his will, which is the only one capable to satisfy his need for self- realization. According to Heidegger, the overcoming of the initial dissolution in “being-with others” makes it possible for Dasein to gain its authenticity. For Dostoevsky, such a path leads to the final loss of any authenticity. Dostoevsky proposes to find the solution in the lifestyle of Christ who came and died for all, thereby restating in fullness the essential All- Unity. By his sacrifice, he showed the way to the lost All-Unity. So, to achieve the lost All-Unity, a subject needs to accept the Other as his neighbor.

    Tomsk State University Journal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Science. 2024. No. 82. P. 107-118.

  • Book chapter

    Afanasev I., Lyashevskaya O.

    String Similarity Measures for Evaluating the Lemmatisation in Old Church Slavonic

    The paper presents a set of new possible evaluation metrics for the Old Church Slavonic lemmatiser model. We use the metrics to tune it to be the most robust and scalable of all the possible options.

    Each of the introduced metrics proves its usefulness in evaluation of the neural network part of the model. Generally, Damerau-Levenshtein distance is the one that motivates the decision to choose this or another architecture. Levenshtein distance helps to better see the failures of the model. Jaro-Winkler distance helps to deduce, whether the model captures the essence of the lem- matisation concept for languages like Old Church Slavonic.

    The results of the metrics help to pick the best model to predict on the het- erogeneous data, which assists in building the corpus-based dictionary of an Old Church Slavonic document, Kyiv Folia. This dictionary, having been built automatically, highlights the typical model errors.

    Overall, the implementation of the new metrics is successful. Figure 2.2 shows their dynamics and how the model has been transforming into more and more robust, complex architecture. The system seems to lack an overall accuracy compared to previous ud lemmatisers (Straka et al., 2017) (Bergmanis and Goldwater, 2018) (Kanerva et al., 2018). However, it is better adapted to the out-of-domain texts from the ocs corpus. Overall accuracy on Kyiv Folia goes over 50 %, with significantly (up to 60 %) higher results for punctuation marks, digits, and fragmentary tokens that get to 100%. ud lemmatisers stay under the 50 % threshold, as they are unable to recognize new classes. Thus, the rule- based part of the system partly eliminates one of the most significant failures of the encoder-decoder neural network part of the system, the inability to work with different inflection models, none of which is prevalent in the language (McCurdy et al., 2020).

    In bk.: Structuring Lexical Data and Digitising Dictionaries: Grammatical Theory, Language Processing and Databases in Historical Linguistics. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2024. P. 13-35.

  • Working paper

    Konstantin Zaitsev.

    Exploring the Effectiveness of Methods for Persona Extraction

    The paper presents a study of methods for extracting information about dialogue participants and evaluating their performance in Russian. To train models for this task, the Multi-Session Chat dataset was translated into Russian using multiple translation models, resulting in improved data quality. A metric based on the F-score concept is presented to evaluate the effectiveness of the extraction models. The metric uses a trained classifier to identify the dialogue participant to whom the persona belongs. Experiments were conducted on MBart, FRED-T5, Starling-7B, which is based on the Mistral, and Encoder2Encoder models. The results demonstrated that all models exhibited an insufficient level of recall in the persona extraction task. The incorporation of the NCE Loss improved the model's precision at the expense of its recall. Furthermore, increasing the model's size led to enhanced extraction of personas.

    arxiv.org. Computer Science. Cornell University, 2024

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