Animation in Modern Culture
The HSE School of Cultural Studies invites proposals for participation in its IX Annual Conference for Students and Doctoral Students that will take place on 19-21 April, 2018.
This year's conference is devoted to animation in modern culture. What is the role of animation today? Is it possible to talk about the independence of animation in the era of feature-length animated films? How to watch and analyze animation? These and other issues will be raised at our conference. This year the conference will not be only about research, but also about practices. In addition to speackers’ reports — discussions, round tables and master classes are also expected.
We invite the participants of the conference to focus on the following problems:
- Animation as a tool for working with collective or personal trauma;
- Interrelationships between animation, cinema and computer games;
- The role of animation in the cultural construction of childhood;
- Soviet vs. Russian. The role of animation in modern Russia;
- National traditions of animation;
- Animation in everyday life;
- Expansion of the concept of animation: comics, gif animation,illustration etc.;
- Animation as a political caricature.
We welcome participants of bachelor's, master's courses and postgraduates from Russian and foreign universities, as well as artists that work with animation.