IV Moscow-Tartu Digital Humanities School: Call for Tutorials
HSE University Centre for Digital Humanities welcomes proposals for tutorials to be held at IV Moscow-Tartu DH School. Working languages of the school are Russian and English.
IV Moscow-Tartu Digital Humanities School invites researchers to submit tutorial proposals. A tutorial is a 2-3 days 'research workshop/hackathon' for 5-10 people with a presentation in the end. You need some data relevant to Digital Humanities and a research question or hypothesis. This time our tutors will be provided with a team of volunteers in advance, so that all the mundane data preparation was finished before the school.
Apply here
The school takes place in a picturesque Moscow suburb (contrary to popular belief, such places exist). Here's a report from the first ever Moscow-Tatru DH school. The school has evolved since, but this report conveys the atmosphere of the event.
Important Dates:
Tutorial proposals submission deadline: May 15, 2019
Notification of tutorial acceptance: until May 31 , 2019
School: October 18 – 23 , 2019