The main goal of the project is to create the most complete electronic collection of all the narrative film texts that were published in Russia before 1917. Firstly, there are cinematographic librettos, brief descriptions of films that were published in the press and cinema programs. Secondly, the collection will include pre-revolutionary screenplays among them unpublished film scripts that are held in literary and theatrical archives.
Early Russian film prose became the foundation of Russian film scripwriting, and occupied a special place in Silver Age culture, and yet it is unknown to the reader. Moreover, philologists are not well acquainted with it, and even film historians do not know very much about Russian cinematic prose of the 1910s.
The new electronic collection of early Russian librettos and screenplays will allow philologists, film historians and all humanities scholars to work with a large set of texts which have been difficult to approach. Furthermore, this material will make it possible to produce a new typology of early Russian film plots and to define the peculiarities of its language and its role in Silver Age culture.
Review of Film Texts Database in "Apparatus" Journal
Fully peer-reviewed German online journal "Apparatus" has published a review of film texts database collected by memebers of the research team project. The author of the review is film historian Clea Wanner

Libretto Database Is Awarded with the Film Scholars' and Critics' Prize "Slon"
Research team project "Early Russian Film Prose" was awarded with he Film Scholars' and Critics' Prize "Slon". Group members are grateful the colleagues for high appreciation of their work on the film texts database

Report on the Project on the First Baltic Channel
The news service of the First Baltic Channel has released a report on the NUG project

The Project Presentations at the "Belye Stolby" Film Festival and at the University of Latvia Conference
The project was presented to fellow film scholars at the film festival of archival cinema "Belye Stolby". Afterwards the film texts database was presented at the University of Latvia where NUG members Anna Andreeva, Anna Kovalova, Arina Ranneva and Sabina Shmakova gave their papers

The Project Was Presented at the University of Basel (Switzerland)
At the seminar "Film - Literature - Art: Intermedial Perspectives on Early Cinema" organized by the University of Basel head of the project Anna Kovalova and NUG member Yuliya Kozitskaya have presented the online film texts database

The Closing Seminar of the Research Team Project
The last research seminar of 2018 took place on December 8th. Research team project member Anna Andreeva presented a paper on the screen heroines of the writer and screenwriter Anna Mar.The results of the year-long work of the Research Group were discussed

Iuliia Kozitskaia’s and Arina Ranneva’s Talks
Research team project members Iuliia Kozitskaia and Arina Ranneva presented papers based on the results of their research.

A Talk by Maria Terekhova and the Presentation of an Album-Catalogue of Early Russian Film Posters
At the research team project seminar Maria Terekhova, a research fellow at the State Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg, gave a paper and presented the album-catalogue The Silent Film Poster in the State Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg Collection 1914-1919 (St Petersburg, 2018), of which she is the editor.

The Project Was Presented at an International Conference on Early Cinema in Ghent (Belgium)
In her paper at the conference RETHINKING THE ATTRACTIONS-NARRATIVE DIALECTICS: NEW APPROACHES TO EARLY CINEMA, Anna Kovalova presented the project "Early Russian Film Prose" to foreign colleagues.

Nadezhda Shmulevich’s Talk “The Motif of the Cabaret in Early Russian Film Prose”
On October 31st research team project member Nadezhda Shmulevich presented a paper on the cabaret in early Russian film and film prose.