International Scientific Conference "S.L. Frank: Postrevolutionary Downfall of Idols"
The International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue organized and held the two-day international conference "S.L. Frank: Postrevolutionary Downfall of Idols".
The conference was timed to the 100th anniversary of the most important social and political event of the twentieth century - the Russian Revolution. At the event, the main aspects of the work of the outstanding Russian thinker S.L. Frank were discussed. S.L. Frank (a real witness of the events of 1917), dedicated much of his work to the analysis of the revolution.
At the conference took part leading researchers of the ideas of S.L. Frank and publishers of his works, correspondence and memoirs, in particular the publisher of archival materials and the first volume of the works of S.L. Frank in Russian in the series ("Из истории отечественной мысли") ("From the History of Russian Thought") Vladimir Kantor, who prepared the preface and comments on the German volume "Свет во тьме" ("Light in Darkness"), publisher of the eight-volume text S.L. Frank in German Leonid Luks (Germany), publishers of the complete works of S.L. Frank in Russian Gennady Alyaev (Ukraine), Tatyana Rezvykh and Konstantin Antonov (PSTGU, Russia), as well as researchers of the work of S.L. Frank and the publishers of his individual texts and correspondence Alexei Gaponenkov (SSU, Russia) and Philip Bubbayer (Great Britain).The conference was also attended by leading researchers of Russian thought: Alexei Kozyrev (MSU), Tatyana Shchedrina (MPGU), Boris Pruzhinin (HSE, chief editor of the journal "Voprosy filosofii"), Igor Yevlampiev (St. Petersburg State University), Sergei Bychkov, Vladimir Keidan (Urbino, Italy), Anna Reznichenko (RSUH), Igor Kondakov (RSUH), Svetlana Klimova (HSE), Olga Zhukova (HSE), Alexey Kara-Murza (HSE, IF RAS), Marina Kiseleva (HSE, IF RAS), Sergey Akopov (HSE St. Petersburg) and others.
The participation in the conference of young researchers and teachers from PSTU, HSE and IF RAS (Elena Besschetnova, Arseniy Kumankov, Alexander Girinsky, Yulia Sherbina, Vladimir Chernus). Is also worth noting.
Elena Besschetnova
Deputy Head
Alexsander Girinsky
Research Assistant
Olga Zhukova
Deputy Head
Vladimir Kantor
Laboratory Head
Alexey Kara-Murza
Chief Research Fellow
Marina Kiseleva
Chief Research Fellow
Svetlana Klimova
Arseniy Kumankov
Leonid Luks
Academic Supervisor
Yuliya Shcheina
Research Assistant
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