Alisa Maximova is doing an internship at King's College London
Alisa Maximova, research intern of the Research Centre for Contemporary Culture, is visiting King’s College London as a part of her PhD programme at HSE. Her work in KCL is supervised by Dr. Dirk vom Lehn, coauthor of several papers on museum visitor interaction and participation, as well as author of the book “Harold Garfinkel: The Creation and Development of Ethnomethodology”. Alisa is a visiting PhD student in the Work, Interaction and Technology Research Centre in the Department of Management. Members of the Centre specialize in studying social interaction, role of technology and material objects in collaboration and conduct in offices, control centers, medical environment, museums. They employ methods of videoanalysis and carry out research in the field of workplace studies, which is based on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis.
Alisa’s visit to KCL will include writing dissertation, taking part in meetings of the Work, Interaction and Technology Research Centre and discussing her research with British colleagues. Besides, being in London means the chance to see exhibitions of the leading museums that have been implementing visitors studies for decades (for example, Science Museum and Natural History Museum) and to learn about approaches and techniques used not only by academics, but by museum practitioners as well. Alisa will spend ten weeks in London.