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Faculty of Humanities


Olessia Kirtchik took part in a conference in France

The IGITI leading research fellow Olessia Kirtchik delivered a communication at the conference "The economists state: the economic science and economists in the XXth and the XXIth centuries" (L’État des économistes: La science économique face à la puissance publique (XXe-XXIe siècle) held on November 21 and 22, 2019, in Amiens, France.

Olessia Kirtchik took part in a conference in France

This interdisciplinary conference united sociologists, political scientists, historians and economists doing research on economic sciences and participation of economists in public policies in France and in other countries. In her communication, Olessia Kirtchik presented some results of her analysis of the processes of institutionalization and consequent transformations of rural economics and sociology in France from the late fifties to the mid-eighties. (See: Kirtchik, Olessia. 2016. “L’économie Rurale en France: Trajectoire d’une science sociale « utile » entre modernisation et mondialisation.” Revue D'anthropologie Des Connaissances 10 (3): 339–34.)

Conference programme (in French)