Доклад О.И. Виноградовой и Е.А. Смирновой
21 марта прошел совместный семинар московского и пермского кампусов НУЛ учебных корпусов. На семинаре О.И. Виноградова и Е.А. Смирнова представили доклад на английском языке по теме "Quantitative analysis and reconstruction of underlying factors for errors in the uses of the present perfect tense in Russian and Spanish learners' academic writing".
Запись семинара доступна на YouTube канале лаборатории учебных корпусов.
Аннотация доклада
The talk will focus on the uses of the present perfect tense in academic writing of university learners of English. We will present our research carried out across two corpora of undergraduate students’ argumentative essays – Russian Error-Annotated Learner English Corpus (REALEC) and Written Corpus of Learner English (WriCLE) with Spanish as native language of student authors. The third corpus, the corpus of essays written by native speakers of English studying at university (LOCNESS), was used as a control corpus. With the goal to investigate the influence of the first language on the uses of this tense form, we will try to answer the following questions:
- Who uses present perfect more frequently in their writing, Russian or Spanish learners, and how does the frequency compare with its use by native speakers of English?
- What semantic contexts with present perfect prevail in each of the three corpora?
- What kinds of errors in their uses of present perfect forms do Russian and Spanish learners of English make?