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Faculty of Humanities


Tag "School of Linguistics"

The Linguistic convergence laboratory conducted an online course on Nakh-Daghestanian languages in October - December 2020

The Linguistic convergence laboratory conducted an online course on Nakh-Daghestanian languages in October - December 2020
The Linguistic convergence laboratory organized an open course in English about the main area of ​​expertise of the laboratory - the languages ​​of the Nakh-Daghestanian (also known as East Caucasian) language family.

'HSE students are among the very best linguistics students in the world'

'HSE students are among the very best linguistics students in the world'
Eitan Grossman, an associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, talks about his participation in TyLex summer school on typology and lexicon organized by HSE. 

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'
David Gil, a researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, talks about his parciticpation in TyLex summer school organised by HSE linguists. 

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»
TyLex — 2017 summer school on typology and lexicon gathered participants from al across the world. Shihong Zhou, a researcher at Beijing Normal University, shared his impression of the event in a short interview with the organizers of TyLex.

«I will use things that I learned at TyLex in my research»

«I will use things that I learned at TyLex in my research»
So Miyagawa, a research fellow at the University of Göttingen, recently attended TyLex — 2017, a summer school on typology and lexicon organized by the Higher School of Economics. In this interview he talks about what he liked about the school and what benefits it brought into his research.