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Faculty of Humanities



Anastasia Panova presented the Corpus of Daghestanian Russian at the Twelfth conference of the Slavic Linguistics Society

Anastasia Panova, intern-researcher at the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, participated in the Twelfth conference of the Slavic Linguistics Society, from 21 to 24 September in Ljubljana (Slovenia), where she gave a poster presentation "A corpus outlook on regional varieties of Russian in Daghestan".

Vladimir Kantor's Speech in the YSPU

Vladimir Kantor's Speech in the YSPU
On October 5, 2017, Professor Vladimir Kantor spoke in the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University.

Boris Khavkin's Lecture within the Framework of the Seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture"

Within the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture" Professor of the RSUH Boris Khavkin made the report "Third Reich: How German Children were Turned into Anti-Semites"

'HSE students are among the very best linguistics students in the world'

'HSE students are among the very best linguistics students in the world'
Eitan Grossman, an associate professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, talks about his participation in TyLex summer school on typology and lexicon organized by HSE. 

Center for Language and Brain team in Geneva

A numerous delegation of Center for Language and Brain (Neurolinguistics Lab) members led by the head of the Lab attended the annual Science of Aphasia Conference 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland.

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'

'I came here to teach, but I’ve actually learned more than I taught'
David Gil, a researcher at Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, talks about his parciticpation in TyLex summer school organised by HSE linguists. 

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»

«Now I can refer to the research conducted by Russian scholars»
TyLex — 2017 summer school on typology and lexicon gathered participants from al across the world. Shihong Zhou, a researcher at Beijing Normal University, shared his impression of the event in a short interview with the organizers of TyLex.

Lecture by B.L. Khavkin "German Money for the Russian Revolution" in the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture"

On September 18, 2017 in the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture" of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, the specialist in the history of Russian-German relations, Professor of History and Archives of the RSUH, Doctor of History Boris Khavkin made a report.

The VII Andrey Poletayev Memorial Readings

The VII Andrey Poletayev Memorial Readings
The VII Poletayev Readings, an annual conference in memory of the founder of the Institute Andrey Poletaev, are to be held at Higher School of Economics on September 22. This year's topic is "Humanities in the third millenium". Sessions will be focused on conceptual problems, the turn to the Oriental in European antiquity studies, contemporary culture and university studies.

HSE Makes It to THE Humanities Rankings for First Time Ever

The Higher School of Economics has made it onto the Times Higher Education ranking in the arts and humanities category for the first time ever. The university was in the 176-200 group, demonstrating the best result among schools that participate in Project 5-100 in this field. In addition, HSE placed third among Russian universities as a whole for this subject ranking.