The conference is held at the Institute of Linguistics and covers a broad range of topics in the areas of linguistics, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistic research.

The new 2017 starts happily with the addition of six fresh-from-press research papers added to the Lab's repository!

Philosophical Anthropology alumna and the founder of the anti-café Kocherga, Pion Gaibaryan, talks about how to build an ideological business and create a comfortable environment for ‘nerds.’ She also discusses why philosophy cannot be just a kitchen table conversation and how reading Kurt Gödel under the sun can treat depression.

Svetlana Cecovic, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Humanities (School of Philology), came to the Higher School of Economics with the aim of working in an international environment, which she had become accustomed to during her PhD studies at the University of Louvain in Belgium.