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Faculty of Humanities



Leonid Luks's Lecture "Dissident Movement in the Soviet Union as a reaction to unfinished de-Stalinization"

Leonid Luks's Lecture "Dissident Movement in the Soviet Union as a reaction to unfinished de-Stalinization"
On September 24, 2018 within the framework of the regular scientific seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture", Professor of the Catholic University of Eichstätt Leonid Luks delivered the lecture "Dissident movement in the Soviet Union as a reaction to unfinished de-Stalinization".

An article by Jan Surman was published in "European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire"

An article by Jan Surman was published in "European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire"
Article "University scandals and the public sphere of Imperial Austria: the Wahrmund and Zimmermann affairs", written by IGITI Research Fellow Jan Surman, is available online in the European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire.

International Scientific Conference "De Profundis, or Requiem for Pre-Revolutionary Russia"

International Scientific Conference "De Profundis, or Requiem for Pre-Revolutionary Russia"
On September 19, 2018 an international scientific conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of the collection "Iz glubiny" ("From the depths") was held at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics"

"Filosofia del Pellegrinaggio". Olga Zhukova and Alexey Kara-Murza at the First Bargrad Readings

"Filosofia del Pellegrinaggio". Olga Zhukova and Alexey Kara-Murza at the First Bargrad Readings
From 10 to 14 September 2018 in the Italian cities of Bari and Monopoli (Apulia), the First Bargrad Readings "Filosofia del Pellegrinaggio", dedicated to the philosophy and history of Russian pilgrimage, were held

"History and Philosophy of Science in the Era of Change" The First Congress of the Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science

"History and Philosophy of Science in the Era of Change" The First Congress of the Russian Society of History and Philosophy of Science
Researchers of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue took part in the First Congress of the Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexander Rusanov participated in the conference on the history of universities in France

Alexander Rusanov participated in the conference on the history of universities in France
Senior Research Fellow of IGITI Alexander Rusanov took part in the international conference "Exams, degrees and diplomas: Evaluating abilities in univerities from the 12 century to today" (Examens, grades et diplômes – La validation des compétences par les universités du xiie siècle à nos jours).

Olga Bazhenova's Lecture "Belarusian Culture as a Borderland Culture: Dialogue with Non-Classical Art"

Olga Bazhenova's Lecture "Belarusian Culture as a Borderland Culture: Dialogue with Non-Classical Art"
On September 12, 2018 in the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture" of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, Olga Bazhenova, Doctor of Art History, gave the lecture "Belarusian Culture as a Borderland Culture: Dialogue with Non-Classical Art"

Vladimir Kantor on the "Kultura" TV-Channel

Vladimir Kantor on the "Kultura" TV-Channel
On September 10, a program with the participation of HSE Professor, the head of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue Vladimir Kantor appeared on the "Kultura" TV Channel

Vladislav Staf took part in a conference of International Federation for Public History

Vladislav Staf took part in a conference of International Federation for Public History
Vladislav Staf participated in the 5th annual conference of International Federation for Public History (IFPH), which took place on August 21-24 in the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of Sao Paulo (EACH — USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Vladislav presented a paper "Gulag history in camp museums of the region of Perm: some narratives of human rights defenders and prison guards" in the "Difficult Heritage" session.

Helena Knyazeva made the presentation of her research results at the 24th World Philosophical Congress in Beijing

Helena Knyazeva made the presentation of her research results at the 24th World Philosophical Congress in Beijing
Professor Helena Knyazeva participated in the section “Philosophy of Life Sciences”, where she made the presentation on the topic “The Biological Roots of Meaning-Making in the Universe".