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Faculty of Humanities


Tag "Reporting an event"

Vitaly Kurennoy Lectures and Presents at Ruhr University Bochum on April 21-22

Vitaly Kurennoy Lectures and Presents at Ruhr University Bochum on April 21-22
Vitaly Kurennoy, Professor and Head of HSE’s School of Cultural Studies (Faculty of Humanities) gave a presentation entitled ‘Contemporary Cultural Policy in Russia’ on April 22 at Ruhr University Bochum during a joint colloquium of the Department of Eastern European History and a seminar at the Lotman Institute for Russian and Soviet Culture.

Linguistic Session at the XVI HSE April International Academic Conference

On April 10, 2015, the session ‘Universalism and Relativism in the Philosophy of Language and Mind’, organized by the Schools of Linguistics and Philosophy, took place at HSE as part of the XVI April International Academic Conference.

Lecture by Professor Budnitskii at European University Institute

Lecture by Professor Budnitskii at European University Institute
On April 1, 2015 Oleg Budnitskii, Professor at the School of History and HSE Honorary Professor delivered a lecture on ‘Women in the Red Army, 1941–45’ at the colloquium of the History Department of the European University Institute (Florence). 

Haas on Discourse and Implication

On March 21, Andrew Haas presented a paper in Belgrade on 'Discourse and the Problem of Implication'.

Electronic Version of Volume V of the Byzantine Inscriptions of the North Black Sea Presented by Project ISOPE 3 at King’s College London

On the 10th March at King’s College London, the IOSPE 3 project involving Russian French and British funding and researchers presented the electronic version of Volume V of Byzantine Inscriptions from the Northern Black Sea.

Professor Stefania Sini Gave a Lecture ‘The Study of Narrative: Fundamental Principles’

On Thursday, Professor Stefania Sini from the Amedeo Avogadro University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy gave a lecture on the study of narrative.