As part of the HSE Seminar in Contemporary European Philosophy, Prof. Simon Glendinning (London School of Economics) gave a talk and met with students
Tag "Reporting an event"
The International congress "Surgical treatment of tumors in functionally significant brain areas. Features of preoperative and intraoperative mapping" was held on 17-18 November in the National medical-surgical Center, in Moscow.
On December 1 the Center's research fellow Jessica Werneke gave a presentation “From Education to Elitism: Amateur Photography and Photography Clubs in the Late Soviet Period” at the scholarly seminar of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences
On November 25 the Center's postdoctoral research fellow Angelina Lucento gave a presentation “Entangled Modernisms: Socialism, Jadidism, and the Development of Early Soviet Visual Culture” at the scholarly seminar of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.
Neurolinguistics laboratory held an open science lecture "Aphasia: speech disorders in brain damage". The lecture was intended for everyone and did not require prior knowledge.
On September 15th, 2016, a presentation of the research web service ‘Textograph’ for the digital processing of texts was held in the House-Museum of Anton Chekhov. Boris Orekhov, Associate Professor at the School of Linguistics, is one of the system developers.
Ram Frost is from Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Elizaveta Vostokova and Alexandra Kozhukhar, students at the School of Linguistics, took part in the expedition to Guatemala in June 2016. The event was organized by the University of Maryland and was dedicated to research into the Kaqchikel Maya people. The expedition was led by Maria Polinsky, Professor of Linguistics, Omer Preminger, Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics, and Pedro Mateo, Assistant Research Professor at the Maryland Language Science Center. During the first two weeks of the expedition, the participants studied the Kaqchikel language, the rest of the time they spent working with native speakers.