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Faculty of Humanities



Olga Dragoy at the Annual meeting of the Society of the Neurobiology of Language

The conference was held in  London, UK, August 17-20, 2016

Human Rights and Empire

Human Rights and Empire
We Are Pleased to Announce the Publication of the Book The Rights of the Individual and Empire, with an Introduction and Commentary by Oleg Budnitskii.

Results of the Conference 'History of Soviet Jewry (1918-1991): New Sources, New Approaches'

Results of the Conference 'History of Soviet Jewry (1918-1991): New Sources, New Approaches'
A jointly-organized conference of the International Center for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences and the Research Center of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, with participation from New York University’s “A Comprehensive History of the Jews of the Soviet Union” project (sponsored by Eugene and Zara Shvidler), took place at the library of the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center on June 15-16, 2016.

‘These are the People Who Will Shape the Agenda in the Humanities’

The first Moscow-Tartu School in Digital Humanities has taken place at the Leo Tolstoy House and Museum in Yasnaya Polyana. The school‘s aim is to create an interdisciplinary academic environment in which modern computer methods are applied to the study of texts. The school was organized by the HSE School of Linguistics, Leo Tolstoy House and Museum in Yasnaya Polyana, and the Department of Russian Literature at the University of Tartu.

Linguistics School Students’ Expedition to Guatemala

Linguistics School Students’ Expedition to Guatemala
Elizaveta Vostokova and Alexandra Kozhukhar, students at the School of Linguistics, took part in the expedition to Guatemala in June 2016. The event was organized by the University of Maryland and was dedicated to research into the Kaqchikel Maya people. The expedition was led by Maria Polinsky, Professor of Linguistics, Omer Preminger, Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics, and  Pedro Mateo, Assistant Research Professor at the Maryland Language Science Center. During the first two weeks of the expedition, the participants studied the Kaqchikel language, the rest of the time they spent working with native speakers.

Irina Savelieva has visited Warsaw University

Irina Savelieva has visited Warsaw University
On July 8, 2016, Irina Savelieva, director of IGITI, presented her paper 'Stil Alive? Sociological Classics in Contemporary Historical Research' at the conference 'Monuments, Relics, and Revivals' at Warsaw University. The paper focuses on sociological classics in historical research of the last 50 years.

Modernizing Cuisine: The Soviet Experience

Irina Gluschenko, Associate Professor at the School of Cultural Studies, took part in the conference ‘Food and Culture. History, Society, Communication’ where she presented her report ‘Modernizzazione in cucina. L'esperienza Sovietica’ (Modernising Cuisine: The Soviet Experience).

Russian and Italian Intellectuals Speak a Common Language

In late May Moscow hosted a Russian-Italian research conference marking the anniversary of the birth of Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce. The conference entitled 'The Legacy of Benedetto Croce in the 21st Century' was organized by and held at the HSE's Humanities Faculty in conjunction with the Italian Cultural Institute in Moscow.

HSE Partner with International Project in Humanities

The Higher School of Economics is the first Russian university to become an associate member of a key project run by the Dahlem Humanities Center at the Free University of Berlin – ‘The Thematic Network Principles of Cultural Dynamics’. The project is aimed at strengthening international cooperation in the humanities.

New Master’s Programme in Theoretical Linguistics to Start at HSE

A new English-taught master’s programme ‘Linguistic Theory and Language Description’ starts in the new academic year. Ekaterina Rakhilina, Head of the School of Linguistics, told us about some details of the programme, project work and the potential for international cooperation.