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Faculty of Humanities



Vladimir Kantor's book on Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and the crisis of European Christianity has been translated into Italian

Vladimir Kantor's book on Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, and the crisis of European Christianity has been translated into Italian
Venetian publishing house Amos Edizioni has published a translation of the famous book by Vladimir Kantor "Dostoevsky, Nietzsche and the crisis of Christianity in Europe."

Internship at the Holocaust Museum in Washington

Internship at the Holocaust Museum in Washington
HSE history students Elena Krivtsova and Alexandra Maslova shared their impressions of an internship they completed at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, USA, which was organized by the International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences.

HSE Improves its Standing in QS University and Facutly Ratings

For the first time the University is listed among the top Arts & Humanities institutions, taking 289 th  place globally and 3 rd  place within Russia. HSE was also ranked 2 nd  place within Russia in the faculty ranking Social Sciences & Management, rising from 232 nd  place globally in 2014 to 161 st  place globally this year.

Articles by HSE Professors Published in ‘Word and Image in Russian History’ Collection

Academic Studies Press issued the ‘Word and Image in Russian History: Essays in Honor of Gary Marker’. The articles ‘Businesswomen in Eighteenth-Century Russian Provinicial Towns’ by Alexander Kamenskii and ‘Catherine’s Liberation of the Greeks: High-Minded Discourse and Everyday Realities’ by Elena Smilyanskaya were also included in the collection.

From Ancient Inscriptions to Blogs: Different Disciplines’ View on Ego Texts

HSE has held its post-graduate humanities summer school 'History in the First Person: From Antiquity to Our Time'. The summer school was dedicated to texts written or recorded in the first person, as well as to various methods for analysing them. The school’s organizers and participants spoke with the HSE news service about what ego texts are, how representatives of different disciplines work with them, and how French methodology differs from Russian.

Re-examining Post-War Soviet History through the Lens of Corn

Challenging traditional explanations of history and taking a new view on the past is the hallmark of a good historian; re-examining the history of post-war Soviet agriculture and economics is no exception, according to Aaron Hale-Dorrell, who recently received his PhD in History from the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill and will begin a post-doctoral fellowship at the HSE International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences in September. Aaron Hale-Dorrell recently agreed to speak with the HSE news service about his research interests, his plans while at HSE, and his experiences living and working in Russia.

Linguists away at Summer School

Linguists away at Summer School
HSE lecturers and students took part in the 2015 Summer School near the town of Dubna from July 11 through August 10. The representatives of the HSE School of Linguistics organised two different workshops at this year’s School, one on Language and the Brain, aimed at research in the field of neurolinguistics, and one on Linguistics Research, the main areas of which included field linguistics and anthropology.

Anna Guseva at XI International Conference ‘Sustainable City Life. Exploring Aesthetic Values in Urban Settings’

Anna Guseva, Associate Professor at the School of History delivered a report at the XI International Conference ‘Sustainable City Life. Exploring Aesthetic Values in Urban Settings’, organized by the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics at the University of Helsinki.

Mikhail Boytsov Delivered a Report at Jan Gus Memorial Evening

Mikhail Boytsov Delivered a Report at Jan Gus Memorial Evening
On July 16 Mikhail Boytsov, Professor at the School of History, delivered a report on the perception of Jan Hus in Russia at a memorial event in Munich.

Latest Issue of Enthymema Journal

The latest issue of the journal Enthymema is now available to download from the official website. The editorial board of the journal includes Stefania Sini and Yulia Ivanova, Associate Professor at the School of History.