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Faculty of Humanities



Language Science Press Has Published a Book on the Mehweb Language

Language Science Press Has Published a Book on the Mehweb Language
Language Science Press has published a book on the Mehweb language, edited by Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and Dmitry Ganenkov of the Laboratory of Caucasian languages.

Professor Kimmo Rentola Presented His Book, Stalin and the Fate of Finland

Professor Kimmo Rentola Presented His Book, Stalin and the Fate of Finland
On October 18, Professor Kimmo Rentola (University of Helsinki) presented his recent book, Stalin and the Fate of Finland,in an event hosted by HSE’s International Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and its Consequences. HSE News Service spoke with Professor Rentola about how he became interested in history, his book, and what brings him to HSE University.

'HSE Is a Dynamic Place with So Much Going On'

'HSE Is a Dynamic Place with So Much Going On'
Isabelle Kaplan has recently joined the Centre for the History and Sociology of World War II and Its Consequences as a post-doctoral fellow. She will be working at HSE University for one year.

Students and Teachers of the Learner Corpora Laboratory at the 2019 LCR Conference

Students and Teachers of the Learner Corpora Laboratory at the 2019 LCR Conference
On September 11–14, 2019, the 5th Learner Corpus Research Conference was held in Warsaw. Students and teachers of the HSE Learner Corpora Laboratory gave a presentation on the laboratory’s new project and presented two posters.

Interview with Vladimir Kantor for Svoboda Radio

Interview with Vladimir Kantor for Svoboda Radio
Head of IL for the study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, Professor Vladimir K. Kantor spoke about Nietzsche and Russian culture in an interview for the Svoboda Radio

Nomination Process for 2019 Golden HSE Awards Kicks Off

Nomination Process for 2019 Golden HSE Awards Kicks Off
Nominate your candidates before October 29th

HSE University Brings Major Conference in Philosophical Logic to Russia for the First Time

HSE University Brings Major Conference in Philosophical Logic to Russia for the First Time
On October 2-4, HSE University hosted the international conference Trends in Logic 19. Current Issues in Philosophical Logic for the first time in Russia. The conference, which attracted a number of prominent Russian and international scholars, was organized jointly by the journal Studia Logica and the HSE International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy.

HSE Center for Language and Brain at Science of Aphasia 2019

HSE Center for Language and Brain at Science of Aphasia 2019
Nine members of the Center for Language and Brain attended the annual Science of Aphasia conference that took place in Rome on 23-26 September 2019.

Helena Knyazeva Made a Plenary Lecture at the Fifth Balkan Scientific Conference

Helena Knyazeva Made a Plenary Lecture at the Fifth Balkan Scientific Conference
Helena Knyazeva made a plenary lecture at the Fifth Balkan Scientific Conference “Science - Education - Art in the 21st Century”, which was organized by the Southwest University “Neofit-Rilski” in Blagoevrad (Bulgaria) in September 26-27, 2019.

HSE Places Second Among Russian Universities in THE Humanities Ranking

HSE Places Second Among Russian Universities in THE Humanities Ranking
HSE University improved its performance from last year, entering the Top-200 of the Times Higher Education (THE) subject ranking in Arts and Humanities. We now place second among Russian universities and have the best results of the participants of the Russian Academic Excellence Project 5-100.