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Faculty of Humanities



Interview with Leonid Luks ​​for the online newspaper Realnoe Vremya

On January 11, 2020, there was published an interview with the academic supervisor of the IL for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, professor Leonid Luks 

Shedding Light on Mysteries of the Past

Michele Minardi
Michele Minardi, from Italy, holds a PhD in Archaeology from Sydney University and has spent a number of years in investigating Karakalpakstan in Uzbekistan. He has recently joined the team of Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology of the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies as a Research Fellow. We spoke with Michele about his projects, teaching methods and expedition plans.

Leading Research Fellow of the IL LLFP has presented a talk at the Rio Conference

Leading Research Fellow of the IL LLFP has presented a talk at the Rio Conference
Leading Research Fellow of the ILFP has presented a talk at the Conference CREATIVITY-2019, which was held in Rio de Janeiro from 8 to 13 December 2019.

HSE Professor Askold Ivantchik Serves as Co-organizer of Centenary of the International Union of Academies in Paris

HSE Professor Askold Ivantchik Serves as Co-organizer of Centenary of the International Union of Academies in Paris
On November 22—29, the 100th anniversary celebration of the International Union of Academies (Union académique international, UAI–IUA), the most prestigious international organization in the humanities and social sciences, was held in Paris. Askold Ivantchik, Head of the Centre of Classical and Oriental Archaeology and Vice‑President of the International Union of Academies, served as an organizer of the event.

Interview with Mikhail Boytsov, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities

Interview with Mikhail Boytsov, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Boytsov discusses the Faculty’s main achievements of 2019, new academic programmes, and plans for the new year.

‘The Sense of Doing Something New Appeals to Me’

Irina Arzhantseva and Heirich Härke at the International Congress in St. Petersburg
Professor Heinrich Haerke, a renowned archaeology expert, has been cooperating with HSE University researchers for a long time. This year he has joined HSE as a Professor at the recently formed Centre for Classical and Oriental Archaeology. He has talked to HSE News Service about his research interests, field projects, and teaching archaeology.

‘Today Is a Wonderful Day, Because I Hear Persian Being Spoken’

‘Today Is a Wonderful Day, Because I Hear Persian Being Spoken’
The Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies of the Faculty of Humanities has launched a Center of Iranian Studies and the Persian Language. On December 6, representatives of HSE University and the Cultural Representative of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Moscow signed the cooperation agreement.

Report by Claudia Pieralli "Culture of Dissent in Europe and the USSR in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. On-line Project for Education and Research"

Report by Claudia Pieralli "Culture of Dissent in Europe and the USSR in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. On-line Project for Education and Research"
On November 29, 2019, in the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture", the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue held a lecture by Professor Claudia Pieralli (University of Florence)

Two International Students Receive HSE Silver Nestling Awards

Two International Students Receive HSE Silver Nestling Awards
At last week’s Golden HSE Award Ceremony, the winners of the Silver Nestling Award included two international students: Yunying Pei (China) of the Dual Bachelor’s Programme in Data Science and Business Analytics, and Juan Sota (Spain) of the Master’s Programme in Medieval Studies. HSE News Service spoke to the two students about their courses, speaking Russian, and the reactions their families and friends had when they told them they won the Silver Nestling Award.

Ready for Takeoff: Digital Humanities School Probes a Scholarly Frontier that Lies Beyond

Ready for Takeoff: Digital Humanities School Probes a Scholarly Frontier that Lies Beyond
In late October, the HSE Study Centre in Voronovo once again hosted the last of HSE’s many ‘summer’ schools, the School of Digital Humanities Research. Participants shared their impressions of the 4th annual Moscow-Tartu School, Fall 4 Digital, and discussed how all the participants could not help but go full-on digital.