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Faculty of Humanities



An article by members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory was published in the journal “Language variation and change”

An article by members of the Linguistic Convergence Laboratory was published in the journal “Language variation and change”
From a northern village to an academic article, or How many linguists do you need to describe variation in Russian dialect?

New Book by Vladimir Kantor

New Book by Vladimir Kantor
In February 2020, a new book by Vladimir Karlovich Kantor, head of the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue was published

Meeting with the editor-in-chief of the journal "Vestnik Evropy" V. A. Yaroshenko. Presentation of the new issue

Meeting with the editor-in-chief of the journal "Vestnik Evropy" V. A. Yaroshenko. Presentation of the new issue
On February 18, 2020, within the framework of the seminar "West and East: Universalism of Culture", the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue hosted a meeting with the editor-in-chief of the journal "Vestnik Evropy"  Viktor A. Yaroshenko

Jan Surman participated in a conference on German-Polish History

Jan Surman participated in a conference on German-Polish History
On 12-13 February Jan Surman participated in a conference "Polish-German History. A New Historiographical Field and its Contribution to the History of Europe", which was organised in Paris by the German Historical Institute and the Centre for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

"Religious Violence and Tolerance: the Case of English Reformation" the Paper by Anna Seregina

"Religious Violence and Tolerance: the Case of English Reformation" the Paper by Anna Seregina
On 23 January 2020 the next session of the regular seminar “Christianity in the History of Medieval and Modern Europe” was held at the Centre for French-Russian Studies (Moscow). The seminars in the series are convened conjointly by the Centre for Medieval Studies, HSE, Centre for French-Russian Studies, and the Centre for Ukrainian and Belorussian Studies (Faculty of History, Moscow Lomonosov State University).

American Scholar Presents New Reading of 18th-Century Novel by Mikhail Chulkov

Professor Marcus Levitt
On February 7, Professor Marcus Levitt (Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Southern California, USA) visited the Faculty of Humanities to give a lecture about Mikhail Chulkov’s The Comely Cook. In his lecture, Professor Levitt examined the novel within the context of eighteenth-century Russian culture and, in particular, the tradition of ‘lubok’ literature.

Essay on Russian Culture. A new book by Olga Zhukova

There has been published a new monograph by Olga A. Zhukova, chief research fellow at the IL for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue.

Alexeу Kara-Murza's Lecture in the A.S. Pushkin Literature Museum

Alexeу Kara-Murza's Lecture in the A.S. Pushkin Literature Museum
On January 30, at the A.S. Pushkin Literature Museum, there was held a lecture and presentation of the book "Italian Journey of Peter Chaadayev" by the chief research fellow of the IL for the Study of Russian and European Intellectual Dialogue, professor Alexey Alekseevich Kara-Murza.

New International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia

New International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia
The Linguistic Convergence Laboratory and the School of Linguistics are organizing an International Summer School on Areal Linguistics and Languages of Russia.

Professor Marina Butovskaya’s Expedition to Tanzania

In March and June of 2019, Marina Butovskaya, a senior fellow of the International Anthropology Centre and an associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, went on expeditions to the United Republic of Tanzania with a team of her colleagues.