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Екатерина Болтунова стала членом Редакционного совета Bloomsbury Press

Член Академического совета программы, доцент Школы филологии Екатерина Болтунова стала членом Редакционного совета новой книжной серии Bloomsbury Press - Russian Shorts.

Екатерина Болтунова стала членом Редакционного совета Bloomsbury Press

Russian Shorts are big idea books published in a succinct, accessible format. Intended for a wide readership, the books are meant to be thought-provoking and easily absorbable. The series provides concise examinations of key concepts, personalities, and moments in Russian historical and cultural studies, encompassing its vast diversity from the origins of the Kievan state to Putin’s Russia (we have attached the successful proposal so that you can get a sense of the possible titles we hope to commission). The volumes (available in print and as e-books) are designed to provoke debate and conversation on a wide-range of intriguing topics. The idea, in short, is to extend the boundaries of what we know about Russian history and culture, and to introduce readers to a side of Russia that they don’t know.


Unlike traditional research monographs, the books published in the series Russian Shorts are concise and digestible in only a few sittings. Each book is approximately 40,000 words, written in a nontechnical manner and free of an extensive scholarly apparatus of the full-length scholarly book. The books are reasonably priced (currently planned at $13.95 in paper), published in a slim 5x8 format for quick reading, and include a modest selection of images, maps, and other illustrations.