Доклад Джеффа Паркера на научном семинаре Школы лингвистики
Джефф Паркер (Jeffrey Parker) — сотрудник Университета Бригема Янга (США), специалист в области морфологии и корпусной лингвистики. Его доклад был посвящён словоизменительным классам на примере русских существительных.
Авторская аннотация доклада:
Inflection classes persist as a part of the structure of languages even though they fulfill no communicative function. In this talk I give an overview of my previous and ongoing research about the complexity of inflection class systems and how that complexity affects language processing. Using Russian nouns, I show that the organization of an inflection class system can minimize the difficulty of predicting both regular and irregular inflection, but also show that across languages inflection class systems exhibit significant differences in the importance of such organization. I show that different patterns of syncretism across inflection classes have effects in lexical access and representation that may be connected to form predictability, and present ongoing work about how ambiguities of form and function affect processing words in different contexts. Together, this research suggests that inflection class systems are not arbitrary irregularities in language but that they exhibit systematic organization that has consequences for language users.
На этом научный семинар Школы лингвистики завершает свою работу в текущем академическом году и возобновит заседания осенью.