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Film Scenarios 1913-1917

Translated by Julian Graffy

The collection of 32 scenarios presented here is by no means a full one. The only completed section is the group of all the 26 scenarios published in the film press in 1915-1917, in the journal Pegas [Pegasus]. Other pre-Revolutionary journals published scenarios extremely rarely and only in extracts, and the decision has been made not to include such material in the collection at this time. Nor have we included texts that have already been published by film historians and literary scholars (for example, the film scripts of the writer Fedor Sologub, published by Natal´ia Nusinova, Anastasiia Sysoeva and Yuri Tsivian) or unrealised scripts.

In addition to the scenarios published in Pegas we present here archival texts from the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI), the Manuscript Section of the Russian National Library (RNB) and the State Film Archive of Russia (Gosfil´mofond Rossii). The scenario of Vladimir Kas´ianov’s The Death of the Gods [Smert´ bogov] is published from the single extant copy held in the Kas´ianov family archive. The archival film scenarios are printed from the typed texts, taking authorial corrections into account. We should note in particular that A.N. Bibikov’s scenario to the film Fine, Bright, Pure Youth (Ania’s Romance) [Iunost´ prekrasnaia, svetlaia, chistaia (Roman Ani)] is described in the copy held in RGALI as an ‘unspecified scenario’ and its attribution has been effected with the help of the libretto to the film.

In addition to the members of the Research group the following students and graduates of the Higher School of Economics Research University have worked on the Film Scenarios 1913-1917 section: Nataliia Beresneva, Viktoriia Buianovskaia, Kristina Grigor´eva, Dar´ia Zhukovskaia, Ekaterina Zhurenkova, Iuliia Il´iazova, Kseniia Kornilova, Aleksandra Mazur, Anna Matiushenko, Anastasiia Novikova, Dar´ia Panova, Arina Permiakova, Nadezhda Talipova, Marsel´ Khamitov, Lidiia Khachatrian, Kristina Shibaeva, Margarita Iushina and Svetlana Ianikova.   

The collection of pre-Revolutionary film scenarios will be added to and widened.

1. Alek. Bar. - The Lunar Beauty [Lunnaia krasavitsa]  Лунная красавица.docx

2. A. Amfiteatrov - The Case of Annushka [Annushkino delo]  Аннушкино дело.docx

3. A. Amfiteatrov – Nelli Raintseva  Нелли Раинцева.doc

4. A. Amfiteatrov – Poisoned Conscience [Otravlennaia sovest´]  Отравленная совесть.docx

5. Antalek – From the World of the Mysterious [Iz mira tainstvennogo]  Из мира таинственного.doc

6. Antalek – A Slave of First Feeling (The Power of the First, The Slave of First Feeling) [Pervogo chuvstva raba (Vlast´ pervogo, Raba pervogo chuvstva)]  Первого чувства раба.docx

7. Antalek – Irina Kirsanova (Executioner of Another’s Life) [Irina Kirsanova (Palach chuzhoi zhizni)]  Ирина Кирсанова.docx

8. Antalek – Mistake of the Heart [Oshibka serdtsa]  Ошибка сердца.docx

9. Z. Barantsevich – Oh, If I Could Express in Sounds… [O, esli b mog vyrazit´ v zvukakh…]  О, если б мог выразить в звуках.docx

10. Z. Barantsevich – The Tale of the Blue Sea [Skazka sinego moria]  Сказка синего моря.docx

11. Z. Barantsevich – The Dying Swan [Umiraiushchii lebed´]  Умирающий лебедь.docx

12. Z. Barantsevich – The Devil’s Wheel [Chortovo koleso]  Чортово колесо.docx

13. Z. Barantsevich – It Was in Spring (Thus the First Light of Love Departed This World) [Eto bylo vesnoi (Tak ushel iz mira pervyi svet liubvi)]  Это было весной.docx

14. A. Bibikov - Fine, Bright, Pure Youth (Ania’s Romance) [Iunost´ prekrasnaia, svetlaia, chistaia (Roman Ani)]  Юность прекрасная, светлая, чистая.docx

15. A. Verbitskaia – Winners and Losers (Shteinbakh’s Romance, The Keys of Happiness) [Pobediteli i pobezhdennye (Roman Shteinbakha, Kliuchi schast´ia)]  Ключи счастья.docx

16. V. Grubinskii – Devouring Gods – Venus and Apollo (Neurasthenics, Wounded Souls, Martyrs of Passion, Neurasthenics of the Stage) [Pozhiraiushchie bogi – Venera i Apollon (Nevrasteniki, Uiazvlennye dushi, Mucheniki strasti, Nevrasteniki podmostkov)  Неврастеники.docx

17. V. Kas´ianov - The Death of the Gods [Smert´ bogov] https://hum.hse.ru/en/ditl/filmprose/julian/

18. Liverii Avid – An Enigmatic World [Zagadochnyi mir]  Загадочный мир.docx

19. Liverii Avid – Human Abysses [Chelovecheskie bezdny]  Человеческие бездны.docx

20. A. Mar – Intoxication (Model-Sisters) [Durman (Sestry-naturshchitsy)  Дурман.docx

21. A. Mar – Tornado of Love [Smerch liubovnyi]  Смерч любовный.doc

22. D. Mukhin, A. Trizanov – Under the Hammer of Fate [Pod molotom sud´by]  Под молотом судьбы.docx

23. I. Nevedomov – The Seal of an Old Fighter (Woman from Sin) [Grif starogo bortsa (Zhenshchina ot grekha)]  Гриф старого борца.docx

24. Rovdo – The Student Tania Skvortsova [Kursistka Tania Skvortsova]  Курсистка Таня Скворцова.docx

25. E. Romanova – The Chess of Life [Shakhmaty zhizni]  Шахматы жизни.docx

26. G. Smirnov – People and Passions (The Power of Arrogant Beauty) [Liudi i strasti (Vlast´ nagloi krasoty)]  Люди и страсти.docx

27. E. Tissova – Mirages (The Tragedy of a Beautiful Girl) [Mirazhi (Tragediia krasivoi devushki)]  Миражи.docx

28. M. Tokarskaia – An Alien Soul [Chuzhaia dusha]  Чужая душа.docx

29. N. Turkin – Lina’s Heart [Serdtse Liny]  Сердце Лины.docx

30. E. Chirikov – The Love of a State Counsellor [Liubov´ statskogo sovetnika]  Любовь статского советника.docx

31. V. Iazvitskii – In the Round Dance of Life [V khorovode zhizni]  В хороводе жизни.docx

32. Ianus – Such is Life (The Lucky Man and the Unlucky One) [Takova zhizn´ (Schastlivyi i neudachnik)]  Счастливый и неудачник.docx


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